Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thankful for...

This Thanksgiving we are traveling to Texas, back home, to be with both sides of our families! I can hardly wait to get there and see everyone and to start cooking!!! I love to cook holiday food and I have some great fun things planned to do with the marshmallow turkeys and a vegetable Mayflower ship...this should be FUN and I know Landyn and Lexye are chomping at the bit to get started! We may just go to the store today and get all of our goodies!

It has been half a year today since we started this journey of living "on the road" and it's real easy to start feeling like we are overflowing our "little nest!" Christmas is right around the corner and we have been wondering what we should do, where we could go and how we are going to celebrate in our small little space. Being HOME for Christmas is important to me, but HOME is where your HEART is, that's the famous quote that I truely believe in! We are so used to a big tree, tons of decorations, lots of presents, a big kitchen to prepare the holiday feast and so on and so forth, but it just isn't possible this year with our limited space. So, we have kicked around the idea of going snow skiing or heading to Branson to see some of the great shows of the holiday season...we may just stay here in Kansas and see how our RV Christmas turns out! I have already put up our new perfect sized RV Christmas tree and the kids have hung a few window clings to deck our halls, I am thankful for this opportunity to live outside the box and to relax and try no to sweat the small stuff. I praise God for the blessings He continues to bestow upon me and my family!
I pray that He does the same for you and yours...Happy Thanksgiving!